全素 Twix 特趣巧克力條 (無麵粉) Vegan Twix Bar Slice (7 ingredient, Gluten-Free)

These Twix Bars are vegan and made only with 7 ingredients! They got the flaky cookie base, date-caramel filling, and chocolate topping. I mean, why not?

I saw a discount message of Twix Bars in the convenience store near my house. And I was thinking about making Twix bars by myself, but vegan version of course.

前一陣子又突然很想吃有層次的甜點 (嗯…我應該是一直都想吃 // 笑),剛好看到 Twix 在特價的消息,然後想想,我來 自製全素 Twix 特趣巧克力棒 吧!

Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

自製全素 Twix 特趣巧克力條
Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

Honestly speaking, I didn’t have any Twix bars before, even before I was a vegan. But I did do some research and find that they are made of 3 layers: a cookie base, a caramel filling, and a chocolte topping. This combination makes me think of Millionaire shortbread, but the cookie base seems flakier in Twix bars. And here they are!

老實說,在我記憶中,我好像沒有吃過 Twix,但有看過照片和介紹,發現它就是由「餅乾底」+「焦糖層」+「巧克力」組合而成,這組合讓我覺的和 百萬富翁酥餅 還滿像的,不過它下層的餅乾看起來是比較酥鬆一點,所以兩者相較起來口感上還是不太一樣。

Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

全素、無蛋奶、無麵粉 / 全植物性食材
Vegan, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free / Plant-based Ingredients

Due to the intention of making a copycat Twix bars, I looked into Twix bars’ ingredients list and found that the store-bought version contains not only dairy products but also egg white, which I don’t know why. But anyway, this time we’re going to vegan it, meaning no dairy, no eggs, all plants.

Because I want to make it special, I didn’t use any common sugar or wheat flour as well. The cookie base recipe is adapted from Bakerita. The caramel filling and chocolate topping are created by my own experience, preferences, and cravings, for sure.

因為要製作,也有稍微看了一下市售 Twix 的成份,發現裡頭不僅有使用奶製品,還有加蛋白。這次要自製的 Twix 當然沒有這些東西,全是使用植物性食材。

這次也沒有畢常見的精緻糖與麵粉。但因為沒吃過 Twix,這次有參考 Bakerita 的食譜製作最底下的餅乾層,而上頭的焦糖層和巧克力層是依自己習慣的作法來製作。

Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

The cookie base is quite flaky, which you probably could tell by seeing the crumbles in the picture. The crumbly cookie strikes a good balance with the sweet caramel filling and bitter-sweet chocolate topping.


Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

The store-bought Twix is completely covered with chocolate. I was thinking to minimalize the workload, so I simply cover the top with a thin layer for chocolate, so I would call them Twix Slices.

市售 Twix 是整個都被巧克力包覆,這會加點手續,我想都已經要做三個層次了,那麼這次就先簡化一下,就只有加上多一層的巧克力層,所以這次也就先稱它為「Twix 巧克力條」。

Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

鬆口餅乾底」+ 甜蜜焦糖層 + 化口巧克力層
Fluffy Cookie Base + Caramel Filling + Chocolate Toppings

If you sniff them closely, you can smell the enticing caramel flavor along with the chocolatey aroma. I really wanted to grab one and bite in while taking the pictures.


Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

The cookies base doesn’t contain wheat flour. Instead, it uses coconut flour to create a flakier, fluffier texture. The caramel filling is sweet but not sickly-sweet as many caramel sauces would be, thanks to the naturally sweet dates. I use Medjool dates in this recipe because they are softer and carry the heavenly caramely flavor.


Homemade Vegan Twix Bars

If you love chocolate sweets as I do, check out my No-Bake Chocolate Hazlenut Brownies, Chocolate Caramel Oat Bars, and Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream. For now, shall we?

如果你像我一樣深愛巧克力甜食的話,那麼別錯過我的 免烤榛果巧克力布朗尼巧克力焦糖燕麥方塊,還有全素巧克力冰淇淋。那麼現在,甜點控們,我們來動手做全素 Vegan Twix 吧!

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全素 Twix 特趣巧克力條 (無麵粉) Vegan Twix Bar Slice (7 ingredient, Gluten-Free)

完整食譜 How to Make

Vegan Twix Bar Slice (7 ingredients, Gluten-Free)

These Twix Bars are vegan and made only with 7 ingredients! They got the flaky cookie base, date-caramel filling, and chocolate topping. I mean, why not?
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理10 minutes
freezing1 hour
總共1 hour 20 minutes
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: American
Keyword: dairy-free, dessert, gluten-free, sweets, vegan
份量: 4 people


For the base 餅乾底

For the caramel filling 焦糖層

  • 4 Tbsp almond butter 杏仁醬
  • medjool dates 帝王椰棗, pitted 去籽
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • A pinch of salt 鹽
  • 1 Tbsp  maple syrup 楓糖漿

For the chocolate topping


  • Preheat the oven at 175 C / 350 F.

To make the cookie base

  • In a big bowl, mix all base ingredients until all incorporated.
  • Then transfer the mixture into a lined 6" loaf pan. Press down the mixture firmly.
  • Bake the cookie base at 175 C / 350 F for about 10 minutes until the edges are slightly golden brown. Transfer the pan onto a wire right to cool down.

To make the caramel layer

  • Add all caramel layer ingredients to a food processor and blend until creamy and smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides as needed. If your dates are a little bit dry, soak them in water for 15 minutes beforehand.
  • Smear the caramel mixture on the cooled cookie base evenly, then place the pan in the freezer for 40 - 60 minutes or until the top of the caramel layer is set.

To make the chocolate topping

  • In a small bowl, mix all ingredients together until all incorporated. If it gets a little bit hard to mix, place the bowl in warm water to help.
  • Remove the pan from the freezer. Pour the chocolate topping onto the caramel layer and move quickly to wiggle the pan to let the topping spread evenly.
  • Return the pan to the freezer for another 5 - 10 minutes until the chocolate layer is set. Remove from the pan, slice and enjoy!


  • 烤箱以 175 C / 350 F 預熱


  • 於一碗中將底層所有食材混合均勻,再將混合物填壓入鋪烘焙紙的模具中
  • 放入烤箱,以 175 C / 350 F 烘烤約 10 分鐘,至底層邊邊呈為棕金黃,移至網架上放涼備用


  • 將所有食材放入食物處理機中,攪打混合均勻,視情況停下來做刮杯動作。若椰棗偏乾,建議可事先浸泡於飲用水中 15 分鐘
  • 將內餡混合物鋪平於放涼的餅乾層上,放入冰箱冷凍 40 - 60 分鐘,或至表面凝固


  • 將巧克力層的所有食材於小碗中混合均勻,若氣溫較低可以隔水加熱的方式進行
  • 取出模具,將表層巧克力淋於焦糖層上,接著火速輕輕搖晃模具,使其平均遍布,
  • 再將模具放回冷凍約 5 - 10 分鐘,讓巧克力層凝固,即可脫模,切條享用


  • Storage: Store the leftover in the freezer. It could last for about 1 month.
  • Cookie base recipe adapted from Bakerita
  • 保存:剩下的密封冷凍保存,約可放 1 個月

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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