自製杏仁奶 Homemade Almond Milk
杏仁奶的製作方式和自製豆漿頗類似,但相較起來,我覺得杏仁奶的作法更簡單,因為它不需要煮,只是因為杏仁果比較堅硬,同樣打製飲品前需要長時間浸泡(約 4 – 6小時)。浸泡過的杏仁果會吸水、膨脹長大,變得飽滿漂亮。
- 泡水的用意有兩個:
- 杏仁果在泡水的過程中會釋放出人體不易吸收的元素,因此泡過水的杏仁能讓人體更容易吸收與消化
- 泡過水的杏仁果也會變得比較不那麼硬,對調理機來說也比較仁慈、較容易攪打
特別說明,使用的「杏仁」不是常聽到的中國南北杏(apricot kernel),而指的是美國杏仁果(almond)(如上圖)。
杏仁奶在台灣還不常見,我目前是只有在Costco, 大潤發與一些有機店有看過,但價格都比一般鮮奶還高。
完整食譜 Watch How To
自製杏仁奶 Homemade Almond Milk
- 80 ml raw whole almond 生杏仁果, ~45 g (1/3 cup)
- 320-400 ml drinking water 飲用水, (see Note*)
- A pinch salt 鹽 1 小撮, optional 非必要 (see Note**)
- A hint pure vanilla extract 天然純香草精 , optional 非必要
- 將生杏仁泡飲用水(食譜份量外)至少 4 小時,若使用的機器馬力較弱,建議浸泡 6 - 8 小時
- 將浸泡8小時的杏仁瀝掉水,再與食譜中的飲用水放入調理機中攪打攪打至整體質地滑順即可停止
- 取一容器,上頭鋪上過濾袋,再將攪打好的杏仁奶倒入用乾淨的手,盡量擠出杏仁奶至容器中即完成 (濾袋中剩的杏仁渣可留下來用在其它食譜裡<之後再分享>,若沒有要馬上用先密封冷藏或冷凍保存 )
English Version
- Soak the raw almond for at least 4 hours. If you do not have a powerful blender, soak them for 6 - 8 hours.
- Drain out the soaked almonds and put them along with the water (list in the ingredient list) to the blender to blend until smooth.
- Place a cheese filter bag over a cup or bowl. Pour the almond milk into the container through the filter bag.
- Do your best to squeeze out the milk from the filter bag. Then you have your homemade almond milk! (You can save the leftover almond pulp to use in other recipes. Store them in a zip bag and put into the fridge if you are not going to use them the same day.)
- 註
- *飲用水:我通常會用4-5倍的水來打 (以此食譜為例,就是320~400 毫升),可依個人喜好調整濃度
- **非必要食材我習慣會加一點鹽與少許天然香草精來提味與增添風味,不加也可以
- 有關剩下的杏仁渣:剩在袋子裡的杏仁渣留於其它食譜使用,也可以用烤箱以低溫烤乾後當杏仁粉,或是加在穀片或是早餐碗裡
- 保存:自製杏仁奶需密封冷藏保存,約可存放 3-5 天,建議儘速飲用完。若喝不快,建議一次不要打太多,畢竟自己做的,沒有什麼奇怪的添加物和防腐劑,就像自己打的豆漿一樣,最好三天內就喝完。
- Notes
- *Water: The ratio of almond to water I often use is 1:4-5 (In this case, 320-400 ml) You can adjust the amount of water according to personal preference.
- **Optional ingredients: The salt and vanilla extract is optional, but I usually add them to elevate the flavor.
- About the leftover pulp: The "pulp" can be saved for other recipes. You can also dry them in the oven and add into your granola or breakfast bowl.
- Storage: The homemade almond milk should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for about 3 - 5 days. I'll recommend making a small amount at a time since we do not add any preservatives.
- 其它飲品食譜:自製核桃奶, 抹茶牛奶, 熱巧克力
- 更多純素食譜:點我
- 更多無糖食譜:點我
- 我的器具與食材:點我
- 此頁面含贊助連結,透過連結購買能透過第三方間接贊助此站,提供更豐富優質食譜與內容,您的購買並不會有任何多的附加費用
- About the leftover pulp: The “pulp” can be saved for other recipes. You can also dry them in the oven and add into your granola or breakfast bowl.
- Storage: The homemade almond milk should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for about 3 – 5 days. I’ll recommend making a small amount at a time since we do not add any preservatives.
- Other Dink recipes: Homemade Walnut Milk, Matcha Milk, Hot Chocolate
- More Vegan recipes: HERE
- More Sugar-Free recipes: HERE
- My Tools, Equipment & Ingredient List: HERE
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Bon appétit!
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不會 :))