Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (with 1 Secret Ingredient)

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Creamy, chocolaty, and Satisfying, this Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream is full of the bitter-sweet cacao flavor and richness. If you are a chocolate lover as I am, then don’t miss out on this beautiful dairy-free summer heaven dessert!

全素巧克力冰淇淋 Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (1 Secret Ingredient)

Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream

I mean, this summer (or any other) should not go without some ice cream, right? So as a chocoholic, I seriously want to make THE chocolate ice cream that’s creamy and kind of still having some nutrition (so I could have them almost every day, haha). And here is the Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream!

This Chocolate Ice Cream is vegan of course, which means it’s dairy-free and cruelty-free (for more info, read the text in the grey box below). What’s more, it contains an uncommon ingredient in terms of dessert: Tofu.

I love tofu, it’s such a great thing that could easily be incorporated into different kind of dishes, including dessert. Don’t worry, you will not taste it. But with the tofu inside, this vegan chocolate ice cream does have higher protein content, which could make you feel more satisfied.

This recipe starts at 2:39

I seldom mention the “cruelty” stuff in my recipe because I think that’s not the point of the recipe. But as I receive more and more questions asked by people about giving up dairy and eggs, the more I want to bring up the awareness of cruelty in the “common” society.

I will just put it in a simple way. If an animal, be it a dog, a pig, or a bird, is deprived of freedom and “used” for money or the sense of pleasure (the taste, for example), even die in the end, then that’s not humane, that’s cruelty.

I actually have shared the cruelty topic in My Vegan Journey video on YouTube. So if you’re interested in this topic, then you could check out the video. Maybe you could learn or start to think about something that you haven’t been paying attention to. OK, back to the recipe.

全素巧克力冰淇淋 Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (1 Secret Ingredient)

This chocolate ice cream doesn’t taste “vegan,” if I could say that for those who have prejudice on vegan food. It’s rich, creamy, and super chocolaty.

I prefer my chocolate on the bitter side in its bitter-sweetness, so I didn’t use very much sugar. But if you prefer a sweeter version, you could add 1-2 tablespoons more sugar.

Try not to cut down the amount of sugar because the ice cream needs it to have the creamy texture, and I already reduce the amount of sugar to the lowest possible as far as I could say.

Here I also want to shout out some message about sugar. Don’t be too afraid of sugar. It’s time for us to enjoy the ice cream, to enjoy the food that we want (cruelty-free for sure). Don’t let your mind become unhealthy before your body. Trust me, I’ve been there. (Story about my eating disorder)

The reason or trigger behind this statement is the fact that I was constantly asked about how many carbs or sugar is in certain sweet. If you’re under certain conditions, it’s really important to know the “allowance” that you could take and I’ll suggest asking your doctor or other professionals. But if you don’t have any obvious illness in regard to sugar intake, don’t fall down the orthorexia hole.

全素巧克力冰淇淋 Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (1 Secret Ingredient)

For the creamiest result, I’ll recommend using an ice cream machine to make this Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream. (I use this one which I bought a year ago.)

But if you don’t have an ice cream machine or for whatever reason, you don’t want to use it, then you could manually churn the ice cream too. But I have to warn you that it will take more time and energy without the machine.

To manually churn the ice cream, put the ice cream mixture into a freezer-safe bowl and place it into the freezer. Take it out to use a fork to churn the mixture every one hour. Repeat for 3-4 times until the ice cream is smooth.

全素巧克力冰淇淋 Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (1 Secret Ingredient)

This Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream has become one of my favorite summer desserts, and I think I probably will make them in winter as well as long as I’m cozy inside. Haha. : )

全素巧克力冰淇淋 Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (1 Secret Ingredient)

It does take some work to make this chocolate ice cream, but I hope you would find the time and energy worth taking after you taste the result, at least that’s what I feel.

And if you make this recipe, don’t forget to tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf on Instagram. I really want to know some identical souls who love chocolate as I do.

Or if you just feel very lazy as I sometimes do, then you could make the 2-Ingredient Chocolate Nice Cream, Vegan Coffee Ice Cream, or this Banana Ice Cream Cake.

OK, are you ready?

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Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (with 1 Secret Ingredient)

全素巧克力冰淇淋 Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream (with 1 Secret Ingredient)

Creamy, chocolaty, and Satisfying, this Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream is full of the bitter-sweet cacao flavor and richness. If you are a chocolate lover as I am, then don't miss out on this beautiful dairy-free summer heaven dessert!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
Churning time15 minutes
總共25 minutes
哪道菜: 甜點
料理別: American
Keyword: chocolate, dairy-free, dessert, sweets, vegan
份量: 4 people


  • 50 g (a scant ½ cup) raw cashews 生腰果, soaked for 3-4 hours 浸泡於水中 3-4 小時
  • 120 ml drinking water 飲用水
  • 4 Tbsp cacao powder 生可可粉
  • 50 g regular tofu 家常豆腐, drain out the water 盡可能濾掉水份
  • A pinch salt 鹽
  • 35 g cacao butter 可可脂, or coconut oil 或初榨椰子油
  • 4 Tbsp full-fat coconut milk 全脂椰奶
  • 2.5 Tbsp granulated sugar 顆粒砂糖
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract 純香草精
  • tsp arrowroot starch 葛根粉, or corn starch 或玉米粉


  • If you are going to use an ice cream machine, put the ice cream machine canister (bowl) in the freezer for 12-16 hours before making the ice cream.
  • Drain out the water from the cashews and give them a rinse.
  • In a blender, add the cashews, water, cacao powder, tofu, and salt. Blend until smooth.
  • In a small pot, add the coconut milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and arrowroot starch. Mix together. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Once boil, remove the mixture from the heat.
  • Add the mixture to the cashew mixture in the blender and blend to combine.
  • Remove the ice cream bowl from the freezer. Set up the ice cream machine (I use this one) and pour the mixture into the ice cream bowl to churn. If you don't use an ice cream machine, you can churn it manually by following the steps stated in the post above.
  • It usually takes about 10-20 minutes to let the ice cream machine do the work. You will know the ice cream is done by hearing the different sound from the machine. Once the machine finishes its job, you can enjoy the ice cream right away. Or transfer the mixture to a freezer-safe container and place it into the freezer for 1-2 hours to firm up more.


  • 若是要使用冰淇淋機,將冰淇淋機內膽 (冰淇淋桶) 放入冷凍 12-16 小時
  • 將浸泡的腰果水瀝掉,再用飲用水稍沖洗
  • 將腰果、水、可可粉、豆腐、鹽放入食物調理機中,攪打至滑順
  • 取一小鍋,放入椰奶、糖、香草精、葛根粉,攪拌混合均勻後,用中火加熱,不時攪拌,煮至滾後移離爐火
  • 將煮過的椰奶糊倒入腰果糊的調理杯中,再用調理機攪打混合均勻
  • 將冷凍的冰淇淋桶取出,放好冰淇淋桶後,就可開始按下冰淇淋機開關(我是用這台)、倒入冰淇淋混合糊,開始攪拌。若是不用冰淇淋機,也可以用手攪拌,步驟如文內上頭所提及
  • 冰淇淋機通常會需 10-20 分鐘完成,可以聽聲音分辨。冰淇淋凝結後就可以直接享用,或是可將冰淇淋移到可冷凍的容器內,放入冷凍庫 1-2 小時,讓它變得更硬實一些



  • Storage: Freeze it for 2-3 weeks.
  • This recipe starts at 2:39 in the video.


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。可於此查看我的器具食材。若我的分享對你有幫助,可透過支持我的創作(或請我喝杯咖啡🤎)

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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