Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

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With the creamy, umami peanut sauce and different veggies and beans, this Sweet Potato Salad is one of my recent favorite lunches!

鹹甜花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato salad with Peanut Sauce

Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

Remember the umami easy peanut sauce I just posted on Monday this week? Then, you probably already knew or anticipated this Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce coming.

The variation of this recipe starts at 5:57
濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

Sweet potato is my old-time favorite food. It is, as the name suggests, natural sweet. And what I love more is the soft, squishy texture.

I usually enjoy them by steaming and enjoy them as they are, but I recently found that they taste amazing in salads too! And the reason I add them into salads is simple, the summer heat. I really don’t want to eat hot foods, especially for lunch, in this weather. So, voila!

鹹甜花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato salad with Peanut Sauce

This salad is delicious with the umami, peanut-y flavor combined with the sweetness from the sweet potato and carrots. The texture layered by different veggies and beans: cucumber, chickpeas, green beans, etc.

I like to add a squeeze of lime juice before serving, but that’s totally optional. I don’t do this every time as well. The same goes for dried fruits. I add them mostly for the picturesque reason, haha. 🙂

濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

Oh. Another thing I want to mention is the type of sweet potato for this recipe. If you’re a sweet potato lover like I am, you probably know that there are tons of different sweet potatoes out there. But I usually just eat 3 types of sweet potato: the yellow flesh, the red, and the purple ones.

I’ve tested this recipe with these three kinds of sweet potatoes. And my final winner is … as the pictures show: the red sweet potatoes.

They are actually not my favorite type of sweet potatoes, but I don’t know why. The red ones really have something in them that goes with the peanut sauce super well.

鹹甜花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato salad with Peanut Sauce

If you love sweet potato and peanut butter, then I think you would like this Sweet Potato Salad as well. I really hope that you could give this combo a try.

鹹香花生沾醬 Umami Easy Peanut Sauce

If you love sweet potatoes and have them at hand all the time as I do, then you could try Hearty Double Sweet Potato Stew (but probably not in summer) and my beloved Vegan Sweet Potato Chocolate Brownies. OK, let’s make this salad first!

And if you make this recipe (or any others), don’t forget to take a picture and share it with the tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf on Facebook or Instagram. I really want to know what’s your thought for this recipe!

濃郁花生醬地瓜沙拉 Sweet Potato Salad with Peanut Sauce

濃郁的鹹甜花生調醬,搭配上充滿自然甜、我最愛的食物之一:地瓜,還有不同蔬果與豆類,這道花生醬地瓜沙拉吃起來綿泥又滿足,是我近期的心頭愛午餐之一! With the creamy, umami peanut sauce and different veggies and beans, this Sweet Potato Salad is one of my recent favorite lunches!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理0 minutes
總共10 minutes
哪道菜: Appetizer, Lunch
料理別: American
Keyword: appetizer, dairy-free, salad dressing, vegan
份量: 2 people


  • 1 small carrot (~100 g) 小紅蘿蔔, , diced 切丁塊
  • 1/2 onion 洋蔥, 切丁片
  • 4 tbsp peanut sauce 鹹香花生醬
  • 4 tbsp cooked quinoa 煮熟藜麥
  • 4 tbsp cooked chickpea 煮熟的鷹嘴豆
  • 2 Tbsp cooked green beans 熟四季豆, or other beans you like 或其它你喜歡的豆類
  • 1 small cucumber 小黃瓜, diced 切丁塊
  • salt 鹽, to taste 適量
  • freshly ground black pepper 現磨黑胡椒, to taste 適量

Optional toppings 非必要配料

  • A handful dried cranberries 蔓越莓乾, or raisins 或葡萄乾
  • lime juice 萊姆汁
  • spring onion, chopped 蔥花


  • Start by preparing the veggies. Dice the carrot, onion, and cucumber. Steam the diced carrots and onions if you like. (See note)
  • Then add all ingredients except the topping ingredients to a big mixing bowl and mix all together.
  • Transfer the mixture to your salad plate or bowl. Sprinkle the dried cranberries, chopped spring onion, and squeeze some fresh lime juice if you like. Enjoy.


  • 先處理蔬果部份:將紅蘿蔔、洋蔥、小黃瓜切成丁。你可以像我一樣,事先將紅蘿蔔與洋蔥蒸熟或炒熟 (見註)
  • 接著取一攪拌碗,把除了配料外的全部食材放入,混拌均均
  • 盛盤,視個人喜好撒上果乾、淋萊姆汁等配料,即可享用


  • Because raw onions often cause discomfort in my stomach, I usually steam of stir-fry my onion and store them in an container the fridge. But if you don’t have that kind of issue, feel free to eat them raw.
  • 因為我吃生洋蔥常會引起胃不舒服,所以通常會事先蒸熟或炒熟洋蔥和紅蘿蔔,把它們放於保鮮盒中冷藏保存。但如果你沒有這種困擾或反應,當然也可以直接生食


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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