How to Cook Steel-Cut Oats + 4 Oatmeal Recipes

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Here is the basic way to cook steel-cut oats plus some tips to cook them with minimalist effort. I also share 4 easy ways to enrich your oatmeals so you can have more fun with these nutritious, healthy bowls!

I wasn’t a big fan of hot oatmeal because I thought most of the oatmeals were too slimy. But I totally fell in love with oatmeal once I tried the steel-cut oatmeal. The type of oats really makes a difference!

Watch How to Cook Steel-cut Oats

What are Steel-cut Oats

types of oats Steel-cut Oats

As the name suggests, steel-cut oats are processed from oat groats by cutting them into smaller pieces. The other name of steel-cut oats is Irish oats.

Differences between Steel-cut Oats and Rolled Oats

You might wonder what’s the difference, then? Because there are quite a few things to talk about, I divide them into different aspects as below:


Steel-cut oats are the least process form of oats. They contain more fiber than their counterparts. And because they’re more close to the original whole grain form, they have higher nutrient density.

The higher content of fiber and nutrients will make you feel satisfied for a longer period of time. And since your body will consume and break down them more slowly, they won’t cause a huge spike in blood sugar when consumed. You can read more details on Bob’s blog and Harvard’s articles.


Since steel-cut oats are less processed, they will take a longer time to cook than that for rolled oats. But it’s not really long to cook them as long as you have an instant pot or a pressure cooker.

You can also reduce the cooking time in half by soaking them for 4-6 hours before cooking. If you don’t have to time or forgot to soak them, no worries, you can still cook them directly on the stove for about 15 minutes until soft. It’s always worth spending time cooking oatmeal for yourself, in my opinion.


Steel-cut oats need more water to cook down than that required for rolled oats. The cooking ratio of water and steel-cut oats is 3:1, for rolled oats 2:1.


Simply put, the oatmeal using steel-cut oats has more chewy texture and body. It’s like a firmer porridge compared with the one using rolled oats. If you’re using soaked steel-cut oats, the final texture will be creamier and tenderer.


Because steel-cut oats are higher in nutrition and calorie content, you will need less steel-cut oats for 1 serving than rolled oats. As the packages suggest, 1/4 cup of steel-cut oats is one serving but it’s 1/2 cup for rolled oats.

BTW, I just want to stop and speak about the serving size shortly. The serving size on the packages is only for references. It’s not what you should 100% follow.

Each person is different and we have different appetites at different times. It’s wiser to follow the voice and signal from your body than the text on the packages. Okay, back to our steel-cut oats.

How to make perfect steel cut oats

壓力鍋煮鋼切燕麥 cook steel-cut oats in instant pot
  1. Soak steel-cut oats for 4-6 hours. (optional)

If you prefer creamier, fluffier oatmeal or you want to cook them quicker without instant pot, go ahead and soak your steel-cut oats for 4-6 hours. Tha ratio is the same: 1 part of steel cuts oat to 3 parts of water.

But honestly speaking, I don’t soak them very often because I like to use instant pot and sometimes I just forgot. (That rhymes.😎) If you forgot or you don’t want to do that, let’s move on to step 2.

  1. Add 1 part of steel cut-oats and 3 parts of water to pot or an instant pot to cook

The cooking ratio of water and steel-cut oats is 3:1. For example, if you’re using 1 cup of steel-cut oats, add 3 cups of water to the pot. If you’ve soaked your oats, just transfer them to a pot to cook.

If you’re cooking the steel-cut oats on the stove, bring the water and steel-cut oats to a boil then simmer for 12-15 minutes. Check and give it a stir from time to time.

It will take less time if you’ve soaked them ahead of time. And if you find the water evaporates too fast, you can always add hot water to the pot as needed.

If you’re cooking the steel-cut oats in an instant pot, set the timer to 8-12 minutes, depending on how you want your steel-cut oats to be. Then press start to cook. Some people just cook them for 4-6 minutes, but that’s not enough for my case. So, jsut test it and see which one works for you.

You can cut down the time to 5-10 minutes if you’ve soaked the steel-cut oats for 4-6 hours. Once it finishes cooking, always make sure to let the pressure release completely before removing the lid.

Check the texture and consistency. If you like a creamier or wetter texture, you can always add a few dashes of water or almond milk to stir in. What I share here is a basic and versatile base recipe. You can adjust according to your preferences. Make it work for you.

  1. Add the toppings you like

This step is essential to make perfect steel-cut oatmeal, at least for me because I don’t like the plain, aka only steel-cut oats, oatmeal.

So, here are 4 ways to bring more fun and deliciousness to the steel-cut oatmeal:

4 ways to enjoy your steel-cut oatmeal

鋼切燕麥粥食譜 花生醬香蕉燕麥粥

#1 Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal

This is my go-to oatmeal flavor. I mean, everything is awesome with peanut butter, right? And I love the sweetness and fruity flavor from the banana.

  • 1 serving of steel-cut oatmeal
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup, taste to add more
  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 banana
  • A handful of cacao nibs
鋼切燕麥粥食譜 巧克力中東芝麻醬

#2 Chocolate Tahini Oatmeal

The chocolate flavor needs to be in my life so here is chocolate oatmeal. It’s also a nut-free version for my nut-sensitive friends!

鋼切燕麥粥食譜 楓糖胡桃蘋果

#3 Maple Pecan Apple Oatmeal

This bowl is full of fall flavor. And I have to say that apples and pecans are meant to be together.

  • 1 serving of steel-cut oatmeal
  • 1.5 Tbsp maple syrup, taste to add more
  • 1/4 apples, chopped (eat the rest as-is)
  • A handful of toasted & chopped pecans
  • A few dashes of ground cinnamon (optional, for you, not for me 😉)
鋼切燕麥粥食譜 莓果醬椰子

#4 Berry Compote Coconut Oatmeal

Who doesn’t love berries? (If you don’t, make the 3 flavors above)

This flavor is super great for all-year-long. In winter, serve the oatmeal with the hot berry compote on top and add coconut flakes. In summer, make the berry compote ahead of time then refrigerate overnight. The next morning, add the berry compote to your oatmeal with more fresh berries and coconut flakes as you like.

  • 1 serving of steel-cut oatmeal
  • 180 ml (3/4 cup) mixed frozen berries
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup, taste to add more
  • 1/2 tsp arrowroot starch or corn starch
  • A handful of coconut flakes
How to Make the Berry Compote:
  1. Add the frozen berries to a small pot over medium heat.
  2. Cook until the berries start to release their juice. Then Stir in the maple syrup.
  3. Mix the arrowroot with a dash of water. Then pour into the pot. Stir and cook until the mixture thickens to the ideal consistency. Done.

Where to buy steel-cut oats

types of oats Steel-cut Oats

You can look for them starting from health food stores to supermarkets depending on where you live.

Because I cannot find any steel-cut oats in Taiwan, I just buy my steel-cut oats on iHerb [affiliate link] along with my other ingredients and B12. You can use my code MOK5777 to get 5-10% off for your purchase.

How to store and reheat cooked steel-cut oats

How to store: Let the cooked steel-cut oats cool. Transfer them into air-tight container and store in the fridge for 5 days. They’re great make-ahead breakfast options.

How to reheat: Scoop out the portion you want and add some plant milk or water to them. Reheat the cooked steel-cut oats in a microwave or on the stove.

That’s it! I hope this article helps you know more about steel-cut oats or inspire you to try steel-cut oatmeal in any way.

I would love to hear from you as well. Let me know what’s your favorite topping for oatmeal or the way you cook them by commenting below. 🙂

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. If you make this recipe, don’t forget to tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf on Instagram. I always love to see them and to know how it goes.

Perfect Steel-cut Oatmeal 美味鋼切燕麥粥

Here is the basic way to cook steel-cut oats plus some tips to cook them with minimalist effort. I also share 4 easy ways to enrich and enjoy your oatmeals so you can have more fun with these nutritious, healthy bowls!
作者: Nora Hsu
料理15 minutes
Resting Time15 minutes
總共30 minutes
哪道菜: Breakfast
料理別: American
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, breakfast, dairy-free, vegan
份量: 4 people


Basic Steel-cut Oatmeal 基底鋼切燕麥粥

Toppings of choice 加你喜歡的配料

    Peanut butter Banana Oatmeal 花生醬香蕉燕麥粥

    • 1 Tbsp peanut butter 花生醬
    • 1 Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿, plus more to taste 試味道可再添加
    • 1 medium banana 香蕉, sliced 切片
    • A handful of cacao nibs 可可碎豆

    Chocolate Tahini Oatmeal 巧克力中東芝麻醬燕麥粥

    Maple Pecan Apple Oatmeal 楓糖胡桃蘋果燕麥粥

    • 1+½ Tbsp maple syrup 楓糖漿, plus more to taste 試味道可再添加
    • ¼ medium apple 蘋果 , diced 切丁
    • A handful of pecans 胡桃, toasted and roughly chopped 烤過略切
    • A dash of ground cinnamon 肉桂粉, optional 非必要

    Berry Compote Oatmeal 莓果醬椰子燕麥粥


    To cook the basic steel-cut oatmeal on the stove

    • Soak the steel-cut oats for 4-6 hours. It's optional. Start from step 2 directly.
    • Bring the oats with the water to a boil first. Then cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes. Check and give it a stir from time to time to prevent sticking. Add more water if needed. Cook until the oats are soft and the most liquid is absorbed.
    • Transfer the oatmeal to the bowls and add the toppings you like.

    To cook the basic steel-cut oatmeal in an instant pot

    • In an instant pot, add the steel-cut oats and water.
    • Set the cooking time to 8-10 minutes and press start.
    • After the pot finishes cooking, let it release pressure completely.
    • Transfer the oatmeal to the bowls. Add the toppings you like.

    To make the Berry Compote

    • Add the frozen berries to a small pot over medium heat.
    • Cook until the berries start to release their juice. Then Stir in the maple syrup.
    • Mix the arrowroot with a dash of water. Then pour into the pot. Stir and cook until the mixture thickens to the ideal consistency.

    中文版 – 爐上煮

    • 將鋼切燕麥浸泡於水中 4-6 小時,非必要。若不浸泡,直接從第 2 步開始
    • 將燕麥與水放入鍋中,以中火煮滾,再調成小火加蓋煮 12-15 分。不時看一下它,攪拌一下,視情況可加熱水。煮至燕麥軟、水份收乾
    • 將煮好的燕麥粥盛入碗中,加喜歡的配料享用

    中文版 – 壓力鍋煮

    • 將燕麥與水放入壓力鍋中,烹煮時間設定 8-12 分鐘,按下開始煮
    • 壓力鍋煮完後,讓它完全洩壓
    • 將煮好的燕麥粥盛入碗中,加喜歡的配料享用



    • Storage: Store the oatmeals in air-tight containers in the fridge for 3 days.
    • 保存:煮好的鋼切燕麥粥密封冷藏保存,約可放 3 天


    我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

    Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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