Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

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With the bitter-sweet flavor from the cacao powder and the natural sweetness from the oat milk, this Oat Milk Hot Chocolate is one of my best options on a cold/rainy day or whenever I just want something sweet.

熱可可燕麥奶 Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

My love for hot chocolate started when I just a kid. I remember that when I was an elementary student, I often bought a cup of cold cocoa milk from a soymilk breakfast shop in the market near my home. (It might sound a little bit weird but it’s true.)

And after the training for track and field in school, I often bought a cup of cold cocoa from the tea shop. If it was cold, I would order a hot chocolate. It not until I was about 20 that I realized how much I love cocoa.

After becoming a vegan, I still do. Beside eating dark chocolate every single day, I make a cup of hot chocolate for myself from time to time in a cold morning.

熱可可燕麥奶 Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

Only 4 Ingredients!

This oat milk hot chocolate recipe only calls for 4 ingredients and I think you have known 2 of them. 🙂

The 4 ingredients are oat milk, cacao or cocoa powder, vanilla extract, maple syrup (or other sweeteners of choice). There are 2 more optional ingredients to add more flavor: ground cinnamon and salt.

The most important ingredient in this oat milk hot chocolate recipe is cacao powder/cocoa powder. It’s the decision-maker (kind of weird to use this word, but anyway). Choose your favorite cacao powder and it would not go too wrong. I use my favorite cacao powder for this cup.

alpro oat milk 燕麥奶

I recently noticed that there are more and more plant milk choices in Taiwan (feel really happy about this). And I bought a carton of oat milk for tasting from Carrefour. I have tried to make oat milk myself but they just didn’t turn out as I have expected. So I thought I should taste the store ones to have a basic idea or picture of the oat milk taste.

And, like the almond milk case, I found that the store-bought ones really taste differently from my homemade oat milk. Even the store-bought ones differ from one another. For this recipe, I use the store-bought one. You could try to use the homemade oat milk but I haven’t tried it yet. And in my humble opinion, the result would be a little bit different.

熱可可燕麥奶 Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

You don’t need too much time for this warming oat milk hot chocolate. Five minutes should be enough, or 10 for maximum, for just whisking and heating.

If you don’t want to drink “hot” chocolate, that’s more simple. Just add all ingredients to a jar, seal it, and shake it. Done. However, I haven’t done this yet, so I’m not sure if it will taste differently. Let me know by leaving a comment if you do. 🙂

熱可可燕麥奶 Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

If you don’t have oat milk at hand but want to make a cup of hot chocolate anyway, you could try the Almond Milk Hot Chocolate or Maca Hot Chocolate. OK, shall we?

對了,如果你有製作這個食譜,並打算分享在 FacebookInstagram 上,別忘了 tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf,我很愛看你們的成品或是不同的呈現!

Oh by the way, if you make this recipe, don’t forget to tag @Barrelleaf + #barrelleaf on Facebook and Instagram. I always love to see them. 🙂

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Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

熱可可燕麥奶 Oat Milk Hot Chocolate

苦甜的可可結合帶著自然甜味的燕麥奶,在冷天、下雨天,或是想喝甜時,來喝杯熱可可燕麥奶是我的最佳選擇之一,喝起來不只暖心也滿足。 With the bitter-sweet flavor from the cacao powder and the natural sweetness from the oat milk, this Oat Milk Hot Chocolate is one of my best options in a cold/rainy day or when I just want something sweet.
作者: Nora Hsu
準備0 minutes
料理5 minutes
總共5 minutes
哪道菜: Drinks
料理別: American, 無麩質
Keyword: 10 ingredients or less, dairy-free, vegan
份量: 2 people


  • 480 ml unsweetened oat milk 無糖燕麥奶
  • 2 Tbsp cacao powder 生可可粉, or cocoa powder 或熟可可粉
  • A hint vanilla extract 純香草精
  • 2 tsp maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • A dash ground cinnamon 肉桂粉, optional 非必要
  • A pinch salt 1 小撮鹽, optional 非必要


  • Grab a small milk pan and add all ingredients into the pan. Place it over medium heat.
  • Whisk all ingredients while heating until all incorporated. Once it's warm/hot enough for you, turn off the heat and pour the hot chocolate into your mug to enjoy.


  • 取一小單柄湯鍋,放入所有食材,以中火加熱
  • 邊加熱邊攪拌, 至食材融合,溫度到喜歡的熱度,即可熄火,倒入杯中享用



我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

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