【試作】美味艾拉的新改版 地瓜布朗尼 (全素 無麵粉) Deliciously Ella’s New Sweet Potato Brownies (Vegan, Gluten Free)


已經 Follow Deliciously Ella (美味艾拉) 一段時間,在滿久以前就看過艾拉(Ella)的地瓜布朗尼食譜影片,但是因為手邊沒有艾拉舊食譜所需要的蕎麥粉或糙米粉,所以遲遲沒動手,直到好一陣子前看到艾拉發了這個新改版布朗尼(NEW AND IMPROVED SWEET POTATO BROWNIES),看到食材都是手邊有的,就決定要來做它了!

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (10)

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (11)
之前其實就有做過 無罪地瓜巧克力布朗尼,不過就是想嚐試不一樣的食譜。艾拉的地瓜布朗尼地瓜含量比例較高,口感上就較為紮實,感覺有點像不油的磅蛋糕。可能也是因為這樣,可可的味道讓我覺得反而沒有之前做的地瓜巧克力布朗尼那麼重,因為油量也較低,相對之下也沒有那麼溼潤,但真的是不一樣的滋味與口感。吃起來的口感是更健康不膩。


(※ 引用食譜煩請註明出處與原文網址.勿拿此食譜行商業行為 ※)

美味艾拉的新改版 地瓜布朗尼
Deliciously Ella’s New Sweet Potato Brownies

  • 特別器具 Special equipment:
    • 一個長方型烤盤 (我用的 長 x 寬 x 高 23.5*15*3 cm)
    • 一台食物處理機
    • A rectangle baking tray (Mine is 23.5*15*3 cm)
    • A food processor
  • 食材:(做出大約8片塊)
    • 布朗尼
      • 250 克 地瓜
      • 6 個 中東大椰棗 –> 12 個美國去籽椰棗*
      • 3 大匙 楓糖漿
      • 50 克 杏仁粉
      • 1 大匙 椰子油(融化)
      • 1 小撮鹽
      • 50 克 燕麥粉
      • 3 大匙 生可可粉
      • 少許 飲用水 (非必要,看情況)
    • 巧克力淋面
      • 1 大匙 椰子油 (融化)
      • 1 大匙 杏仁醬
      • 1/2 大匙 楓糖漿
      • 1 大匙 可可粉
  • Ingredients: (Make about 8 slices.)
    • For the brownies
      • 250 g sweet potatoes
      • 6 medjool dates
      • 3 Tbs maple syrup
      • 50 g ground almonds
      • 1 Tbs melted coconut oil
      • pinch of salt
      • 50 g ground oats
      • 3 Tbs raw cacao powder
      • A splash of water (optional, depending on the situation)
    • For the icing
      • 1 Tbs of melted coconut oil
      • 1 Tbs of almond butter
      • 1/2 Tbs of maple syrup
      • 1 Tbs of cacao powder

*椰棗品種很多,原食譜是使用 Medjool dates,但我沒有,就用美國較常見也較容易取得的 Deglet Noor dates。Medjool dates 的個頭很大,也比較重,大約是一般椰棗的兩倍大,所以我就把用量加倍。有關兩種椰棗的比較與圖片可參考這篇文章(英文)
*There are several kinds of dates. The original recipe calls for Medjool dates, but I don’t have them. So I replace them with Deglet Noor dates, which are more common in grocery stores. Medjool dates are big in terms of dates, usually twice as big as regular dates. So I double the amount of dates this time. About the comparison of these two dates, you can see this article for more details.

※ 準備工作 Preparation:
.烤箱以 175°C 預熱*
.Measure all ingredients.
.Line your baking tray.
.Preheat the oven at  175°C*

*艾拉是使用風扇循環烤箱以180°C預熱,但因為我考量到有冷壓椰子油 (冒煙點不高),所以就調成175°C
*Ella uses fan oven preheated at 180°C. But in light of the smoke point of cold-pressed coconut oil (which is very high), I adjust the temperature to 175°C.

  • 作法/步驟:

    1. 製作布朗尼:將地瓜秤重後切塊,蒸熟,至用叉子能輕易叉入的程度 (大約20-30分鐘)
    2. 將蒸熟後的地瓜放入食物處理機中大略攪打一下,大約 5 – 10 秒
    3. 再將椰棗也放入處理機中一起攪打至成泥狀
    4. 將剩下的其它食材全部放入處理機中攪打均勻。若發現有不均勻的地方,中間停下來做刮杯的動作 (這時我發現我的混合物質地偏乾,不像艾拉原食譜影本中的那麼溼潤,在想可能是因為椰棗品種不同,還有地瓜的含水量可能也不同,所以有另外再加少許水,讓質地變溼潤一些)
    5. 將混合好的泥團放入鋪烤紙的模具中,送入烤箱烘烤約 30 – 40 分鐘,烤至用牙籤插入不用沾黏即可出爐,將布朗尼連同烤紙從模中取出,移至網架上放涼
    6. 烤布朗尼的同時可以來做淋面:將淋面所有食材混合均勻即可,放到冰箱冷藏讓質地稍變濃稠
    7. 待布朗尼放涼後,再淋上淋面,抹平,即可切塊享用


  • Directions:

    1. Make the brownies: chop the sweet potatoes into chunks and steam them (for about 20 – 30 minutes) until they are soft enough to let a fork comes through easily.
    2. Place the cooked sweet potatoes into a food processor and process for 5 – 10 seconds
    3. Then add the pitted dates and processor again until all mix together.
    4. Add the rest ingredients (for brownies) and keep processing until all combine well. (At this point, I found my mixture seems to be on the dry side, so I add a splash of water to make them more like what I saw in Ella’s original recipe video.)
    5. Place the mixture in the lined baking tray to bake for about 30 – 40 minutes until you poke a tooth pick into the brownies, it comes out clear. Then remove the brownies from the baking tray on to a wire rack to cool down.
    6. While the brownies is in the oven, make the icing: simply mix all ingredients together and then place it in to the fridge to firm up a little bit.
    7. After the brownies has complete cool, pour the icing on top and spread out evenly. Slice and enjoy!

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (1)
Steamed sweet potatoes. I leave some skin since I think they cannot be tasted after processing, and the skin of sweet potato is actually good to our body.

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (2)
Add the pitted dates.

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (3)
All other ingredients. I mix them before adding to the sweet potato puree.

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (4)
加下去~~ 才發現我的食物處理機有點小” (3杯)
但它還是打的動並完成工作了! 哈哈。

Add them into my food processor… and find that my processor seems a little bit too small to deal with this mixture. (This one is 3-cup.) But it finish this work, anyway.

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (5)
After the processing, I find the mixture too dry, so I add some water.

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Let’s bake it!

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (7)
Make the icing. Mix mix mix. Stop when all combine. Then put it into the fridge to get a little thicker.

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This is my favorite scene!


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After add the icing, I add some fleur de sel on top, and refrigerate for a while to let the icing set.

ella-sweet-potato-brownies (11)
Bon appétit!

美味艾拉的新改版 地瓜布朗尼 Deliciously Ella's New Sweet Potato Brownies

已經 Follow Deliciously Ella (美味艾拉) 一段時間,在滿久以前就看過艾拉(Ella)的地瓜布朗尼食譜影片,但是因為手邊沒有艾拉舊食譜所需要的蕎麥粉或糙米粉,所以遲遲沒動手,直到好一陣子前看到艾拉發了這個新改版布朗尼,看到食材都是手邊有的,就決定要來做它了!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理50 minutes
總共1 hour
哪道菜: Dessert
料理別: baking, vegan
Keyword: brownies, chocolate
份量: 6 people


布朗尼 For the brownies

  • 250 g sweet potato 地瓜
  • 6 個 中東大椰棗 --> 12 個 美國去籽椰棗*
  • 3 Tbs maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • 50 g ground almond 杏仁粉
  • 1 Tbs coconut oil, meted 椰子油, (融化)
  • a pinch of salt 1小撮鹽
  • 50 g oat flour 燕麥粉
  • 3 Tbs cacao powder 生可可粉
  • a splash of water (optional, depending on the situation) 少許 飲用水, (非必要,看情況)

巧克力淋面 For the icing

  • 1 Tbs coconut oil, melted 椰子油, (融化)
  • 1 Tbs almond butter 杏仁醬
  • 1/2 Tbs maple syrup 楓糖漿
  • 1 Tbs cacao powder 生可可粉


準備工作 Preparation:

  • 食材秤量好
    Measure all ingredients.
  • 烤盤鋪烤紙
    Line your baking tray.
  • 烤箱以 175°C 預熱*
    Preheat the oven at 175°C*


  • 將地瓜秤重後切塊,蒸熟,至用叉子能輕易叉入的程度 (大約20-30分鐘)
  • 將蒸熟後的地瓜放入食物處理機中大略攪打一下,大約 5 - 10 秒
  • 再將椰棗也放入處理機中一起攪打至成泥狀
  • 將剩下的其它食材全部放入處理機中攪打均勻。若發現有不均勻的地方,中間停下來做刮杯的動作 (這時我發現我的混合物質地偏乾,不像艾拉原食譜影本中的那麼溼潤,在想可能是因為椰棗品種不同,還有地瓜的含水量可能也不同,所以有另外再加少許水,讓質地變溼潤一些)
  • 將混合好的泥團放入鋪烤紙的模具中,送入烤箱烘烤約 30 - 40 分鐘,烤至用牙籤插入不用沾黏即可出爐,將布朗尼連同烤紙從模中取出,移至網架上放涼


  • 將淋面所有食材混合均勻即可,放到冰箱冷藏讓質地稍變濃稠
  • 待布朗尼放涼後,再淋上淋面,抹平,即可切塊享用

---- English Version ----

    Make the brownies

    • Chop the sweet potatoes into chunks and steam them (for about 20 - 30 minutes) until they are soft enough to let a fork comes through easily.
    • Place the cooked sweet potatoes into a food processor and process for 5 - 10 seconds
    • Then add the pitted dates and processor again until all mix together.
    • Add the rest ingredients (for brownies) and keep processing until all combine well. (At this point, I found my mixture seems to be on the dry side, so I add a splash of water to make them more like what I saw in Ella's original recipe video.)
    • Place the mixture in the lined baking tray to bake for about 30 - 40 minutes until you poke a tooth pick into the brownies, it comes out clear. Then remove the brownies from the baking tray on to a wire rack to cool down.

    While the brownies is in the oven, make the icing

    • Simply mix all ingredients together and then place it in to the fridge to firm up a little bit.
    • After the brownies has complete cool, pour the icing on top and spread out evenly. Slice and enjoy!


    * 艾拉是使用風扇循環烤箱以180°C預熱,但因為我考量到有冷壓椰子油 (冒煙點不高),所以就調成175°C
    *Ella uses fan oven preheated at 180°C. But in light of the smoke point of cold-pressed coconut oil (which is very high), I adjust the temperature to 175°C.
    *椰棗品種很多,原食譜是使用 Medjool dates,但我沒有,就用美國較常見也較容易取得的 Deglet Noor dates。Medjool dates 的個頭很大,也比較重,大約是一般椰棗的兩倍大,所以我就把用量加倍。有關兩種椰棗的比較與圖片可參考這篇文章(英文)
    *There are several kinds of dates. The original recipe calls for Medjool dates, but I don't have them. So I replace them with Deglet Noor dates, which are more common in grocery stores. Medjool dates are big in terms of dates, usually twice as big as regular dates. So I double the amount of dates this time. About the comparison of these two dates, you can see this article for more details. 
    Reference: Original recipe by Deliciously Ella

    我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

    Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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