【新北中和.南勢角站】謙益豐蔬食|中西合璧複合式料理 Cian-Yi-Fong Vegetarian Food (MRT Nanshijiao) [ENG]

這家 謙益豐蔬食 是滿久前就有注意到、在南勢角站附近新開的蔬食店,先前有和方 (葉妹) 來吃過一次,但那次因為沒帶相機,就沒特別寫食記,這天是想和葉爸吃午餐,就帶葉爸再來吃一次嘍。

I’ve noticed this new open vegetarian restaurant, Cian-Yi-Fong, for a while. It’s near MRT Nanshijiao Station. Actually, I’ve tried their pasta once before with my sister. But I didn’t bring my camera at that time, hence no food diary. This time I wanted to have lunch with my father and brought him here to taste different dishes.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

這家謙益豐蔬食是位在捷運南勢角站 4 號出口對面的小路裡 (爭鮮旁那條),旁邊到晚上就是興南夜市。記得好像是去年 (2018) 開的,這樣說好像也是有一陣子了,但在我們這邊還是算新開的啦。店面小小的,加上招牌是深色不突顯,還滿容易就忽略走過去的。

Cian-Yi-Fong is near MRT Nanshijiao Station, Exit 4, in the small street beside the Sushi Express. The street on the other side is Nanshijiao Xingnan Night Market. This restaurant was open last year (2019), which might make it sound weird to call it newly-open but it still very new around this area. The shop is kind of small and the signboard is dark so it’s quite easy to pass by without noticing it.

地址:新北市中和區仁愛街57號 (捷運南勢角站 4 號出口, 步行約 3-5 分鐘)
營業時間:11:00-15:00 17:00-22:00 (大多是週一公休, 以粉絲團公告為主)
Google Map:謙益豐商行蔬食(全素,純素,奶素)

【Cian-Yi-Fong Vegetarian Food】
Address: No.57, Ren’ai St., Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Tel: +886 2 2943-9353
Opening Hours: 11:00-15:00 17:00-22:00 (Closed mostly on Monday but sometimes not. Check their post on Facebook)
Tip: From the Starbucks near the MRT Nanshijiao Exit 4, walk across Xingnan Rd. and go straight into the small street for about 3 minutes. It should be on your left-hand side.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

店內看起來算簡潔舒適,座位不算多,目測大約 20 個上下,這天假日下午快 1 點左右來幾乎要客滿,讓我小驚訝到,這張照片是我們吃完要走時才拍的。

The inside of this small restaurant is simple but cozy. The seats are not very much, about 20 I think. But this day when my father and I arrived at around 1 PM, it’s almost full, which made me a little bit surprised. This photo was taken when we about to leave.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

謙益豐蔬食算半自助式,自己畫單 > 送單 > 付款 > 等餐 > 回收餐具。

餐點的部份還滿多元的,如同標題寫的「中西合壁」,除了亞洲風味的拉麵、河粉、炸物外,也有燉飯義大利麵,口味的部份也還滿多的,另外還有小菜。主餐價格在 NT.95 – 190 之間。 謙益豐是「蔬食」店,部份餐點還是有含奶,不過都有純素的選擇,身為 Vegan 的我當然希望之後能漸漸走純素,不過現在能有純素選擇真的很棒了。

Cian-Yi-Fong is like a half self-service vegetarian restaurant. The steps are: Fill the order sheet > Send it to them > Pay > Wait for your meal > Return the plates and utensils to the collecting area.

Here they offer both Asian and western dishes like ramen, rice noodles, risotto, pasta, and some fried snacks and side dishes. This is not a vegan restaurant so some dishes contain dairy but all of them have vegan options. As a vegan, sure I hope they could offer all vegan dishes, but it’s already great that they have so many vegan meal options. The price of the main dishes ranges from NT.95 – 190, which is not very cheap yet not very expensive.

泡菜上次有吃,覺得還不錯,但這次來發現被劃掉,不確定是當天沒有還是停售了。我上吃是吃青醬鮮蔬義大利麵,但因為上次吃覺得有醬湯液稍多,這次改吃燉飯;爸看一陣子則選了讓我有點意外的椰香咖哩,意外是因為覺得他應該會點偏中式口味,而且這椰香咖哩感覺好像沒有太特別,不過 Anyway, 他選了就醬吧! 喔對,因為我爸還不是 Vegan,所以,嗯。


I tried their kimchi last time and it tasted good, but I don’t know why this time the option is cross out. Not sure that if they didn’t have kimchi that day or forever (I hope not).

Last time I ordered a pesto veggie pasta and it was good but a little bit soupy. So this time I still felt like pesto but changed to order pesto risotto. My father chose the Coconut Curry, which surprised me a little because I thought he would have chosen the ones that more “Chinese.” Anyway, he chose that and I respect his choice, though I thought that one is not a very special dish. BTW, my father is not vegan … yet, so he chose the vegetarian option.

Oh, the other thing I almost forgot to mention. Even though Cian-Yi-Fong is a vegetarian restaurant, there’s no egg, alcohol, and alliums here (cus Buddhism is very prevalent in elder Taiwanese.)

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

這裡是自助式,餐具在裡頭這裡自取,飲品有提供冰水和冰麥茶 (好像是)。最左手邊則是餐具、廚餘與垃圾的回收區。

想特別提一下,我們吃完放餐具來這裡時,發現幾乎沒有什麼廚餘,看到還滿開心的。(以前在餐廳打工過,每次看到一些人剩很多之後倒掉就覺得 …)

Here is the “self-service area” where you can grab your utensils and a cup of water or tea (or many cups if you like). The left side of this section is the collecting area for leftovers, plates, and bowls, etc.

One thing I want to mention is that when I returned our plates here, I found out that there’s almost no leftover in the “leftover can,” which made me quite happy because I’ve seen too much waste of food in the period of time when I was working in a brunch restaurant.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

義大利麵和燉飯都有附湯,記得和第一次來時喝的好像一樣,是番茄為基底的清湯,裡頭有點細洋蔥和胡蘿蔔碎,有加一點香草 (應該是巴西里? 吧) 提味。沒特別喜歡但覺得還 OK 就是。

All pasta and risotto dishes come with soup. This is a tomato-based clear soup with some finely chopped onion, carrots, and some dried herbs in it (I thought it is parsley). This soup is OK but not very special to my taste.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

青醬鮮蔬燉飯 (純素) Pesto Veggie Risotto (NT.150)


Since the dishes are all made after ordering, so we wait for a bit then here is my pesto risotto.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食


When I was here the first time, I was surprised to see this plating. And the second time was still the same. Even though Cian-Yi-Fong is not a very high-end restaurant, this really shows that they CARE and pay attention to details. At least that’s what I feel.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食


米飯煮的算透,裡頭還有吃到像南瓜、山藥等根莖類蔬果;我口味比較淡,這次吃是覺得稍微偏鹹一咪咪,但還可以接受。 雖然沒有我愛的五辛,但是它是好吃的青醬燉飯。

There are no alliums here, so it means that there’s no garlic in the pesto. However, the pesto got a rich flavor of Taiwanese Basil and a little spicy undertone from the black pepper.

The risotto rice was cooked through, which is not like the traditional risotto but it still tastes great. I also found some small chunks of veggies like pumpkins, yam, etc. My taste bud usually enjoys plain foods so this risotto is a bit on the salty side for me. But the flavor was good, so I still finished it.

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

椰奶咖哩義大利麵 Coconut Curry Pasta (NT.190)


可能因為我常自己用椰奶煮咖哩,所以就覺得這道口味似乎就沒有太大的特色。[說我覺得自己做的比較好吃會不會被打,haha 🙂 ]

This is my father’s Coconut Curry Pasta. As I spotted the pumpkins, I want it so much that I sneaked one for myself. Then I could taste a little bit of dairy flavor in it. I think that they probably use some dairy cream in this dish. The coconut milk flavor was more obvious but I got really sensitive to dairy right now, so … no, thank you.

I think this Coconut Curry Pasta is OK but not very special IMHO, probably due to the fact that I often make curry with coconut milk. [If I say I think mine curry is better, would it sound too arrogant? 😂]

新北中和 南勢角站 謙益豐蔬食

二訪這家謙益豐蔬食,一樣吃青醬但改吃燉飯,真的覺得口味還不錯,份量也滿剛好的,這盤我吃光光覺得有飽 (個人覺得以女生來說我食量應該算”稍”大)。爸吃完說覺得口味還好 (我覺得他選錯了咩)。

這裡的餐點價格在我們這邊雖然不算很平價,但想到謙益豐的醬料有強調是自製,而且有很多純素餐點口味選擇,就覺得可以接受,偶爾會想來吃一下。下次想吃吃看黑麻堅果,有人吃過這個或是其它的餐點嗎? 歡迎留言與我討論分享。 🙂

This is the second time I eat here, still pesto, but from pasta to risotto. (That rhymes, haha.) I think the flavor is good and the portion is the right amount, which makes me feel full but not too full. My father said he felt so-so though. (I really think he ordered the wrong one. 🙄)

The price is not in the under-budget group but I think it makes sense when I ‘m aware of the fact that they make their own sauces and there are many vegan options. I feel this is the restaurant I would like to visit from time to time. Next time I really want to try the black sesame nut flavor, anyone has tried it or any other dishes? Let me know in the comment section. 😉

地址:新北市中和區仁愛街57號 (捷運南勢角站 4 號出口, 步行約 3-5 分鐘)
TEL:(02) 2943-9353
營業時間:11:00-15:00 17:00-22:00 (大多是週一公休, 以粉絲團公告為主)
Google Map:謙益豐商行蔬食(全素,純素,奶素)

【Cian-Yi-Fong Vegetarian Food】
Address: No.57, Ren’ai St., Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Tel: +886 2 2943-9353
Opening Hours: 11:00-15:00 17:00-22:00 (Closed mostly on Monday but sometimes not. Check their post on Facebook)
Tip: From the Starbucks near the MRT Nanshijiao Exit 4, walk across Xingnan Rd. and go straight into the small street for about 3 minutes. It should be on your left-hand side.


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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