胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 (純素) Roasted Carrot Red Lentil Hummus (Vegan)

前陣子為了試做,做了很多 鷹嘴豆泥,我就把鷹嘴豆用光了,原本想說再買,但眼看手邊還有一些紅扁豆,就想到先前有看過扁豆泥的食譜,於是就出現了這讓我一做就連續做三星期的 胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 !


胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 (純素)
Roasted Carrot Red Lentil Hummus (Vegan)

這胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥一樣是純素的 (Vegan, 無蛋奶, 含五辛),無動物性成份,這次主要是參考 Blissful Basil 的食譜,但一樣有依手邊食材與個人喜歡稍做調整。


這胡蘿蔔扁豆泥的口感類似鷹嘴豆泥,所以也用 “hummus” 這個字,但裡頭無鷹嘴豆,取而代之的是紅扁豆。



不過它的顏色可不是因為紅扁豆,因為煮熟的紅扁豆會變色 (我第一次煮整個嚇到),而是因為胡蘿蔔。











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胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 (純素)Roasted Carrot Red Lentil Hummus

這胡蘿蔔扁豆泥的口感類似鷹嘴豆泥,所以也用 "hummus" 這個字,但裡頭無鷹嘴豆,取而代之的是紅扁豆。別擔心它會有很明顯的胡蘿蔔味,因為這次是要先將胡蘿蔔烤過,逼出它的甜味,同時因為加入不同的天然香料,最後嚐到的是鹹中帶著紅蘿蔔帶出的自然甜味,很耐人尋味的滋味。
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理35 minutes
總共45 minutes
哪道菜: Appetizer, Dip
料理別: vegan, 中歐
Keyword: appetizer, dip, snack, vegan
份量: 3 people


  • 120 g carrots 胡蘿蔔, 小型 2 條
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil or avocado oil 橄欖油 or 酪梨油
  • 1/2 tsp curry powder 咖哩粉
  • 60 ml raw red lentils 生紅扁豆, 1/4 cup
  • 120 ml water 水, 1/2 cup
  • 2 Tbsp walnuts 核桃
  • 1 Tbsp tahini 中東芝麻醬
  • 1 tsp lemon juice or lime juice 新鮮萊姆汁 或 檸檬汁, add more to taste
  • 2-4 cloves roasted garlic 烤過的蒜瓣
  • 1/2 tsp coriander powder 芫荽粉
  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder 孜然粉
  • 1/4 tsp salt 鹽, add more to taste, more for the carrots 額外給蘿蔔
  • 1/4 tsp smoked paprika 煙燻匈牙利紅椒粉
  • A dash ground black pepper 黑胡椒粉


  • 將生紅扁豆浸泡於水中,建議浸泡 1 小時
  • 將烤箱以 175 C 預熱
  • 將紅蘿蔔去頭、洗淨 (不用削皮,但你若不習慣可以削),切成約 5 公分的長條狀放入碗中,淋上橄欖油,加少許鹽,用手翻拌,讓蘿蔔們都裹上一層薄薄的油,鋪於鋪烤墊的烤盤上,放入烤箱以 175 C 烤 25 - 30 分鐘,至蘿蔔軟,取出備用
  • 烤蘿蔔時可準備紅扁豆:將浸泡過的紅扁豆稍沖洗,再加水(120 ml)蒸熟。我用瓦斯爐蒸約 20 分鐘;若是使用電鍋,外鍋放 1 米杯水/180 ml,跳起後不開蓋,悶 20 分鐘
  • 待蒸熟的紅扁豆與蘿蔔稍放涼,同時來煎烤核桃:將核桃放入平底鍋中,用中小火煎烤至聞到香氣,記得不時翻動防焦
  • 將放涼的紅扁豆、蘿蔔、核桃,與剩下的其它食材,包含:中東白芝麻醬、萊姆汁、烤過的蒜頭、芫荽粉、鹽、孜然粉、煙燻匈牙利紅椒粉、黑胡椒粉全放入食物調理機中(也可以用食物處理機,但可能沒辦法打到很滑順),由中低速開始攪打,再慢慢加速至混合均勻,若有調理棒建議搭配使用,幫助混合,若無,停下來做刮杯動作
  • 攪打完後試味道,依個人口味添加調味。可挖取出享用 (我喜歡搭配小黃瓜條和芹菜條)

English Version

  • Rinse the red lentils and soak them in water. I recommend to soak them at least an hour.
  • Preheat the oven at 175 C / 350 F.
  • Chop the head off from the carrots and chop them into about 5 cm (2 inches) sticks. Drizzle them with olive and sprinkle some salt. Toss them to get coated. Spread them on a lined baking sheet and bake them at 175 C / 350 F for 25 - 30 minutes until tender. Remove and set aside.
  • Meanwhile, let's prepare the red lentils. Drain out the soaking water from the red lentils and get them a rinse. Steam the red lentils with the 120 ml water. I steam them on the stove with my steamer pot for about 20 minutes.
  • Let the lentils and carrots cool down while we toast the walnuts. Add the walnuts to a skillet over medium-low heat to toast until they smell nutty. Stir them from time to time to avoid burning them.
  • Once the lentils and carrots are cool, add them to a blender (you can use a food processor as well, but the result might not be smooth as using the blender) along with all other ingredients: toasted walnuts, tahini, lime juice, garlic, coriander, salt, cumin, paprika, and black pepper. Start from low, blend them until smooth. Use a tamper if you have one. If you don't, stop and scrape down the sides as needed. 
  • Taste to adjust by adding more salt or other seasonings. Scoop out and enjoy with anything you like. (I like them with cucumber and celery sticks!)



2019 新增照片:

胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 (純素) Roasted Carrot Red Lentil Hummus (Vegan)

胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 (純素) Roasted Carrot Red Lentil Hummus (Vegan)

胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 (純素) Roasted Carrot Red Lentil Hummus (Vegan)


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胡蘿蔔紅扁豆泥 (純素) Roasted Carrot Red Lentil Hummus (Vegan)

Bon appétit!

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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