【食譜】黑芝麻豆漿布丁 (無鮮奶油) Black Sesame Soy Milk Pudding (No Cream)


到目前已經平過N次布丁,一直吃原味的覺得單調,就想做有口味的,做過 椰香芋頭奶酪布丁焦糖巧克力烤布蕾,還有 南瓜布丁 等,想了想,發現我還沒做過黑芝麻口味! 身為芝麻控,這是一個不能錯過的口味 (笑) 然後又覺得不想做單純的布丁,所以就又把部份牛奶改成豆漿,做了這個 黑芝麻豆漿布丁 。

I’ve made puddings more than ten times. This original is classic but could be boring when you eat them more than 10 times. So I’ve made different flavors of pudding, such as  coconut pudding with taro panna cotta, brûléeèchocolate creme , pumpkin puddings, etc.

I thought I’ve made enough. It’s not until I’ve browsing through my pudding posts and realize that I haven’t make sesame flavor yet! As a black sesame lover, this is on a must-to-do list. (lol) This time I also want some additional twist for my pudding as well. So, I replace a potion of milk with soy milk to make this Black Sesame Soy Milk Pudding!

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In fact, I’ve tried this recipe for a few times, but I found that the pudding could not get the grey tone from the black sesame paste as I wished. I only got some black dots in my pudding. Then an idea suddenly popped up. I thought a solution to this. I tried two more times and can be sure now that it works!

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只是這個解決方式有一個小缺點,就是…會讓表面稍微不好看,但其實多個步驟,把上頭的氣泡撈掉也可以解決。但我只是做給自己吃,懶加上不在意外表啦 (笑) 所以就沒有特別去撈氣泡了。


This solution has a downside, though. That is, the top could not be very smooth, but it actually can be fixed by scooping out the bubbles before baking. I only made them for my own, and I’m really not a person who cares very much about the appearance (lol), so I skipped.

Substituting soy milk for a part of milk really makes a difference in the taste. It taste lighter and fresher. The fragrance of black sesame and soy milk goes really well together that I seriously could not stop eating and digging. Let’s do this!

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黑芝麻豆漿布丁 (無鮮奶油)
Black Sesame Soy Milk Pudding (No Cream)

  • 特別器具 Special equipment:
    • 一台果汁機或調理機 (為上色且質地更均勻)
    • 三個布蕾烤皿 或 適當可烘焙容器
    • 一個較深的烤盤或烤模 (放烤皿水浴法用)
    • A blender (to make the consistency colored and more even )
    • 3 ramekins or other oven-safe containers
    • A deeper baking tray or pan (to water-bath the ramekins)
  • 食材 :(約 2 -3 人份)
    • 雞蛋 1 個
    • 蛋黃 1 個
    • 牛奶 150 g
    • 豆漿 50 g
    • 糖 15 – 20 g*
    • 純黑芝麻醬 1 大匙
  • Ingredients: (Serve 2 – 3)
    • 1 egg
    • 1 egg yolk
    • 150 g milk
    • 50 g soy milk
    • 15 – 20 g sugar*
    • 1 Tbs black sesame paste

* I use coconut sugar. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to personal liking.

  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    • 食材秤量好
    • 烤箱以 150°C 預熱
    • 煮少許熱水 (水浴法用)
    • Measure all ingredients.
    • Preheat the oven at 150°C
    • Prepare some hot water (for water bath)

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 如果你是用較不易溶解的糖(像我是用塊狀椰糖),先將糖與牛奶一起用小火煮至糖溶
    2. 將所有食材放入調理機/果汁機中,攪打至食材完全混成成灰黑色
    3. 過濾芝麻布丁液 (建議過濾兩次)
    4. 取一個深烤盤,將烤皿放於上頭,布丁液倒入烤皿中,約八分滿
    5. 烤盤中注入熱水,進烤箱以150°C 烘烤 35 – 40 分鐘,至布丁液沒有太大晃動
    6. 取出放涼後封好,放入冰箱冷藏至少 4 小時後再享用
  • Directions:
    1. If your sugar is hard to dissolve, heat it along with the milk over a medium low heat first to dissolve it.
    2. Blend all ingredients in the blender until they become a grey mixture.
    3. Sift the pudding mix. (I recommend sift twice)
    4. Place the ramekins in the baking tray and pour the pudding mix into the ramekins, about 80% full each.
    5. Pour the hot water in the baking tray. Place into the oven to baking at 150°C for 35 – 40 minutes until the puddings just wobble slightly in the middle.
    6. Let the puddings cool down. Then refrigerate for at leas 4 hours before serving.


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black-sesame-soymilk-pudding (5)

 ——  2017.07.15 新增實作影片 ——✂
【食譜】黑芝麻豆漿布丁 (無鮮奶油) Black Sesame Soy Milk Pudding (No Cream)

black-sesame-soymilk-pudding (7)
Bon appétit!

【桶子葉の吐司記 Barrel Leaf’s Toast NoteBook】
【食譜】黑芝麻豆漿布丁 (無鮮奶油) Black Sesame Soy Milk Pudding (No Cream)


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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