【食譜】新鮮蔬菜甜菜根濃湯 Fresh Veggie Beet Soup| 好好喝的暖心天然粉紅濃湯


前陣子逛菜市場的時候,就熊熊發現了它的蹤跡。原本是要買櫛瓜的,結果後來看到它就變心,買了一大顆回家準備要來料理。第一個想拿它來做的料理就是有著天然美麗粉紅色澤的 甜菜根湯 !

I remember that I saw beets for the first time on a TV show. Their special purple red color makes me wonder and curious. I think I am a frequent guest in the market, but I really have not seen them before.

I google and find that Taiwan has beets, too, but only in their production season. It’s between February and April, September and October (according to my Google results).

A few days ago, I found them in the traditional market. I was there for zucchini, actually, but I changed my mind once I saw the beets. I bought one large beet, thinking of something to make. One of them is this beautiful pink-red beet soup!




I find the beets in the online recipe tend to be small and purple on the outside, but what I found in the traditional market in Taiwan are really big. Each weighs around 600 grams. And I find their inner parts are slightly different, too. So I think maybe there are different types of beets. But they look alike anyway… so I think there should be no problem for one soup recipe.

I ate one slice when I was chopping the beet, finding that it actually tastes a little bit like raw carrots, a little sweet, and an “earthy taste” comes out after chewing for a while. It’s OK to me, but I think some people may say no because of it. But the earthy flavour can be easily covered by other ingredients in cooking, like the one in carrots does.



I saw many cooking and baking recipes online, and from time to time I notice there are beet soups among them. With the natural betalain pigments in beets, the soups are beautiful and stunning.


看了幾個甜菜根湯的食譜,最後選擇了這個,主要是因為材料手邊都有,而且做法也還滿簡單的。調味料中完全沒有糖,但成品真的很甜! 讓愛吃甜食的我真的覺得這一道湯很對味!

這次的份量適合3~4個人吃,我是一個人吃,吃剩的冰起來,想吃的時候微波或直火加熱來吃就可以了。若想要吃的更豐富些,可以再丟一些青菜下去一起煮一下。剛好最近高麗菜盛產,我後來也加了一些下去一起煮來吃,也滿對味的! 來動手做這個美麗、好喝又營養的甜菜根濃湯吧!

I saw a few recipes for beets soup and decided to make this one, mainly because I have most of the ingredients at hand, and the process seems easy. There is no added sugar in this recipe, but the finished product tastes quite sweet in terms of soups. As a sweet tooth, I really like it!

This one-pot can serve about 3-4 people. I made them only for myself, so I just store the leftover in the fridge. Reheat them in a microwave oven or in a small pot before serving. Sometimes I add some veggis to make the soup more rich and nutritious. The cabbage is in the season, so I add some to cook along. It also turns out great.

Let’s make this beautiful, flavourful, and nutritious soup!


【食譜】新鮮蔬菜甜菜根濃湯 Fresh Veggie Beet Soup| 好好喝的暖心天然粉紅濃湯

Fresh Veggie Beet Soup

  • 作者 Author: 桶子葉 Barrelleaf / Nora Hsu
  • 參考改自 Adapted from:Self Proclaimed Foodie)
  • 特別器具 Special tools:
    • 一台調理機 (若無也可用手持攪拌棒,但質地可能沒那麼細緻)
    • 一個湯鍋
    • A blender (You can use hand blender if you don’t have regular blender, but the consistency may not be so smooth.)
    • A stock pot

  • 食材 Ingredients
    • 橄欖油 1 Tbs
    • 中型洋蔥, 切丁 1/2 顆
    • 西洋芹, 切碎 1根
    • 中型胡蘿蔔, 去皮切薄片 1/2 根
    • 蒜頭, 切末 1瓣
    • *薑, 切末 1元硬幣大小
    • 甜菜根, 去皮切薄片 半顆大的
    • 水 or 蔬菜高湯 240 ml (2 杯)
    • 鹽 適量
    • 黑胡椒粉 適量
    • *白胡椒粉 (非必要) 少許
    • *烤過的蕃茄 (非必要) 2 顆
  • Ingredients
    • 1 Tbs olive oil
    • 1/2 medium onion, chopped
    • 1 stalks celery, chopped
    • 1/2 medium carrot, peeled and thinly sliced
    • 1 clove of garlic, minced
    • 1 small coin size of ginger, minced
    • 1/2 big beetroot, peeled and thinly sliced
    • 240 ml (2 cups) water or veggie stock
    • salt and pepper to taste
    • A dash of ground white pepper* (optional)
    • 2 baked tomatoes* (optional)

  • PS.
    • *薑的部份是我自己另外加的,主要是想要去除「土味」(網路查到的)
    • *原食譜是沒有加蕃茄和胡椒粉,但我試味道時就覺得少了一味,於是就再自行添加這兩樣調味料,成品很滿意。我的烤蕃茄方式:蕃茄切成丁塊狀,裹上一些橄欖油與海鹽,放入攝式180度的烤箱烤約20分鐘至軟化
    • *I add ginger because I want to remove the “earthy taste” in beets. (one of my google results)
    • *The original recipe does not include baked tomatoes and white pepper, but when I taste the soup, I think it would be better if I add them. So I did, and it turned out great! I chop my tomatoes and toss them in some olive oil and sea salt, then bake for about 20 minutes at 180 Celsius until soft.

  •  準備工作 Preparation
    • 食材準備好
    • Prepare all ingredients.

.作法/步驟 Step


Heat the oil in the pot over medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot, add onions, carrots, and celery to cook until soft. Stir occasionally.



Add the minced garlic and ginger. Cook and keep string until the fragrance comes out.


3. 加入甜菜根,繼續拌炒約2分鐘

Add the beets. Cook and stir for another 2-3 minutes.



Add the water (or chicken stock) and bring to a boil.



Then reduce the heat to a simmer.



Cover and keep cooking until the beets are tender.



You can smell the sweetness of the beets!

8拷貝 10拷貝


Then use a blender to blend until smooth. If you like some chunks in your soup, you can scoop out some first, then add them after the blending.


I was too lazy to take the blender, so I used a hand blender at first. But I found that the hand blender could not blend all very well, so I still used my high-speed blender to finish the job.



Add the seasoning to taste: salt, black pepper, white pepper, and baked tomatoes. Stir to combine. Serve.


Bon appétit!

新鮮蔬菜甜菜根濃湯 Fresh Vegi Beet Soup

A few days ago, I found them in the traditional market. I was there for zucchini, actually, but I changed my mind once I saw the beets. I bought one large beet, thinking something to make. One of them is this beatiful pink red beet soup!
作者: Nora Hsu
準備10 minutes
料理30 minutes
總共40 minutes
哪道菜: Soup


  • 1 Tbs olive oil 橄欖油
  • ½ medium size onion, dice 中型洋蔥, 切丁, 1/2顆
  • 1 stalk celery 西洋芹, 切碎, 1根
  • 1 medium size carrot 中型胡蘿蔔, 去皮切薄片, 1/2根
  • 1 clove garlic 蒜頭, 切末, 1瓣
  • 1 coin-size ginger *薑, 切末, 1元硬幣大小
  • ½ big beets 甜菜根, 去皮切薄片, 半顆大的
  • 240 ml water or vegetable stock 水or 高湯
  • salt to taste 鹽 適量
  • ground black pepper to taste 黑胡椒粉 適量
  • some ground white pepper *白胡椒粉, (非必要) (optional)
  • 2 baked tomatoes *烤過的蕃茄, (非必要) (optional)


  • Heat the oil in the pot over a medium high heat. Once the oil is heated, add onions, carrots and celery to cook until soft. Stir occasionally.
  • Add the water (or stock) and bring to a boil.
  • Add the beets. Cook and stir for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Then reduce the heat to a simmer.
  • Cover and keep cooking until the beets are tender.
  • You can smell the sweetness of the beets!
  • Then use a blender to blend until smooth. If you like some chuncks in your soup, you can scoop out some first, then add them after the blending.
  • Add the seasonings to taste: salt, black pepper, white pepper, baked tomatoes. Stir to combine. Serve.


  • 厚底鍋中用中大火熱油,油熱後加入洋蔥、胡蘿蔔、芹菜拌炒至食材軟化,約五分鐘。
  • 加著加入蒜末、薑末,繼續拌炒至聞到香氣。
  • 加入甜菜根,繼續拌炒約2分鐘。
  • 加入水或高湯,煮至沸騰。
  • 沸騰後將火調小至整體微滾。
  • 加蓋燜煮,持續煮至甜菜根軟化。
  • 接著用調理機將甜菜根打成泥。若喜歡湯有點料的塊狀感,可以先盛起一部份,打完再加入。
  • 最後再加入調味料:鹽、黑胡椒、白胡椒粉、烤過的蕃茄,撐拌混合即完成


  • *薑的部份是我自己另外加的,主要是想要去除「土味」(網路查到的)
  • *原食譜是沒有加蕃茄和胡椒粉,但我試味道時就覺得少了一味,於是就再自行添加這兩樣調味料,成品很滿意。 我的烤蕃茄方式:蕃茄切成丁塊狀,裹上一些橄欖油與海鹽,放入攝式180度的烤箱烤約20分鐘至軟化


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【食譜】新鮮蔬菜甜菜根濃湯 Fresh Veggie Beet Soup| 好好喝的暖心天然粉紅濃湯


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。可於此查看我的器具食材。若我的分享對你有幫助,可透過支持我的創作(或請我喝杯咖啡🤎)

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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