【食譜+實作影片】基礎油酥塔皮(派皮) (無蛋、中筋麵粉版) Basic Pie Crust / Recette de Pâte Brisée — 詳細圖文步驟 五樣基本材料 自製酥脆塔皮

烘焙日期:2015/05/05 (二)

最近開始烘焙人蔘,從簡單的餅乾開始。前陣子又敗了塔模,就是為了自己做塔。之前照網路上的食譜做~但可能是因為比例沒抓好、或是過程中不小心揉過頭,麵團出筋,口感沒有達到理想。這次是看了這個影音食譜~自己算比例,終於做出讓自己都驚豔的塔皮,因為葉子真的很愛這一次做出的塔皮~所以覺得一定要記錄下來分享,才有這篇 基本塔皮!

I start my baking journey recently. Start from baking cookies. A few days ago, I bought some tart mold because I really wanna bake tarts for myself. I’ve made some tart based on some recipes that I found online, but they didn’t turn out very well.

This time, I watch this video on YouTube, write my own recipe based on the ratio it provides, and the result is amazingly great! And I think this is the time that I write this recipe down.

因為葉子也有學一點法文,所以時候也會稍微查一下法文食譜,而這次為了做基本塔皮~ 稍微查了一下,才發現法文的塔皮有分三種:Pâte briséePâte SucréePâte Sablée 點連結可以去看一下英文解釋~葉子看過後覺得這次做的是比較像Pâte brisée,口感較酥脆。

食材的比例是聽參考影片中提到的比例 (麵粉、奶油、水:3:2:1) 的比例來製作。然後因為葉子之前做失敗滿多次的,所以之後試作都不敢做太多,這次的麵團就是迷你可愛版。差不多剛剛好就是一個4吋(約11公分)的派,不過葉子這次是用12公分,餅皮就比較薄一些。

I’ve learn a little French, so I google some French tart recipes as references. I learn that there are basically 3 kinds in tart catogory:Pâte briséePâte SucréePâte Sablée. You can click the link to see the explanation on each type. I think this recipe belongs to Pâte brisée.

The ratio, as the video mentions, is 3:2:1 as flour, butter, water. Because I’ve fail many times before, so I use very little amount as a test. It’s about 4″ / 11 cm pie crust. I use 12 cm mold so the pastry is a little bit thin.

(※ 引用食譜煩請註明出處與原文網址.勿拿此食譜行商業行為 ※)

基本塔皮(派皮) (無蛋、中筋麵粉版)
Basic Pie Crust / Pâte brisée (No Egg)


【食譜+實作影片】基礎油酥塔皮(派皮) (無蛋、中筋麵粉版) Basic Pie Crust / Recette de Pâte Brisée -- 詳細圖文步驟 五樣基本材料 自製酥脆塔皮食材 Ingredients (一個4.5吋派模 for one 11cm/4″):
中筋麵粉  all-purpose flour 30g
無鹽奶油  unsalted butter 20g
冰水 cold water 7-10g
鹽  a pinch of salt 1小撮
*糖 surgar 1/2 tsp

2017.0304 新增 (一個6吋派模 for one 15cm/6″ mold):
中筋麵粉  all-purpose flour 120g
無鹽奶油  unsalted butter 80g
冰水 cold water 30-40g
鹽  a pinch of salt 1小撮

*Sugar is optional.

※ 準備工作:

※ Preparation:
.Cube the butter and leave it in freezer for 5 minutes.
.Sift the flour.




There are only 3 basic ingredients: flour, butter, and water.
The most important thing is that they should be “very cold,”
especially for the butter.

Because if the butter melts, the ideal crispy, crumbly texture will be gone.

Some people use cake flour to make p&acirc
;te brisée, others use all-purpose flour.
The final textures of both are slightly different.
The one uses cake flour tastes more like biscuit.
The others tend to be more crumbly.

You can try both and see which works better for you.
I personally like to use all-purpose flour

I do not measure the sugar and salt,
since they are not very important as well as not many in this recipe.

.作法/步驟 Step:

1.Add salt and cubed butter to the sifted flour.



2.Mix the butter into the flour by rubbing.

Some people use a spatula, but I prefer using my hands. But if your hands’ temperature is too high, I’ll recomend using a spatula or other tools.


This step will take some times. Work until it becomes a sand-like texture.



3.Add cold water. Just enough to make it into a dough. Due to the different absorbance in difference flour, the needed amount of water will differ.


When it looks like this, it means that the water is enough.


4.Then use your palm to press the flour together into a dough. Do your best not to knead them because we don’t want it to develop gluten.


5.After it becomes a dough, wrap with plastic and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.



6.After refrigerate, take the dough out for 2-4. Slightly flour the work surface and the dough.


7.Roll the dough into an evenly flatter circle about 0.5 cm thick. Move the pastry onto the tart and press it to the mold with your fingers. Remove the extra pastry.



8.Poke holes on the pastry with a fork. 9.Place some baking papers and baking stones (or  beans like I do) on the tart.
Blind bake at 180℃ for about 15 minutes. (The tart is half-cooked at this moment.) If you are making quiches or other tarts whose filling will have to bake, then you can stop at this step to make the filling.

Remove the baking papers and stones/beans. Continue to bake for 7~10 minutes until golden brown. (completely cooked)

將將將將~出爐摟~! 烤的時候就聞到奶油與麵粉結合的香氣。因為我喜歡顏色稍微深一些的塔皮,所以最後的上色步驟有將上火溫度提高至190℃。

Then, it’s done! The heavenly fragrance of butter comes out from the oven when it’s almost done. I like my tart crust to be darker, so I increase the temperature to 190℃ for the last few minutes.

這次沒有什麼揉,但是麵團還是有縮。不知道到底是哪個環結影響到” 在想可能是鬆馳不夠久。

I do my best to not knead the dough, but the crust still withdraws a little from the sides. I think maybe I do not let the dough rest long enough.


之後搭配檸檬卡士達餡~做出了 檸檬卡士達塔,好吃的塔皮讓葉子自己都忍不住一口接一口~:9

Even though it shrinks a little bit, but the crumbly, crispy texture is aawesome!

I make some lemon custard as the filling. It tastes really, really, wait for it, really good!

— 2017.03.04 新增 實作影片 —



【食譜】基本塔皮(派皮) (無蛋、中筋麵粉版)  詳細圖文步驟 五樣基本材料 自製酥脆塔皮
【食譜】檸檬卡士達塔 (蛋黃牛奶檸檬塔) Lemon Custard Tart — 微酸乳甜~減糖不失美味
【食譜】自製香草卡士達 Homemade Custard — 濃郁乳香甜~減糖美味不減 第一次做就成功!
【食譜】鮮奶蛋白燉奶 Steamed Milk Pudding — 免烤箱簡易點心~ 適合全家人的點心
【食譜】爆漿熔岩巧克力蛋糕 (半熟版) Fondant au Chocolat — 超簡單療癒系甜點

【桶子葉の吐司記 Barrel Leaf’s Toast NoteBook】


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.

2 則留言

  1. 您好,如果做8吋的話,材料大概要幾倍? 因為我把妳的材料用2倍下去做,但還是不夠,變成薄皮了…XD
    版主回覆:(05/05/2016 03:37:17 AM)
    哈摟~ 這篇做的是薄皮剛剛好一個,塔模也不高。
    8吋的話建議要將食材乘3.5~4倍,乘4倍是比較保險的 🙂

  2. 塔皮烘烤時試著用倒扣舖在盤底,再用另一個烤模壓著烤;15分鐘掉爐時再把上面的烤模拿開上色。不會回縮,比壓石頭烤出來的還漂亮唷!
    版主回覆:(06/05/2016 11:20:20 PM)
    謝謝你,但是…. 用倒扣舖在盤底<<看不懂這句


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