3 樣食材! 核桃點心球 3-Ingredients Walnut Cookie Dough Bites

這個 核桃點心球 的起源,是來自看到我很喜歡的 Dani 的這個食譜,從而改成自己喜歡的食材與比例。重點是非常簡單,免烤,而且只要三樣食材!

These Walnut Cookie Dough Bites derive from this recipe of Dani from Clean & Delicious. I adapted this recipe to suit my own taste by using my favorite ingredients and adjust a little bit on the amount. It’s really simple and easy, no baking required, and only needs 3 ingredients!

3 樣食材! 核桃點心球 3-Ingredients Walnut Cookie Dough Bites


Most recipe require more ingredients due to the seasoning. But this cookie dough bites combine the original flavor of each ingredient to create nutty, sweet, flavorful snack balls that I have to control myself not to eat them all at once.



I usually make those only for myself, so I do not make a lot at one time. The recipe below makes 8 balls sitting on this plate. If you want to make more, just double or triple the amount.




It tast nutty, sweet, soft, yet a little crunchy in each bite. Guess which three ingredients?

Here is the answer!

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三樣食材 核桃點心球 (全素,無糖,無麵粉)
3-Ingredients Walnut Cookie Dough Bites
(No-Bake, Vegan, Sugar-Free, Gluten-Free)

  • 食材 Ingredients (8顆)
    • *核桃 walnuts (1/2 cup) 55 g
    • *去籽椰棗乾 pitted dates (1/2 cup) 50 g
    • *壓碎的香蕉脆片 crushed banana chips 2 Tbs
    • 非必要: 1 小撮鹽 pinch of salt (optional)
  • PS.
    • *核桃我有事先炒熟
    • *若椰棗乾偏乾,用溫水泡約5分鐘
    • *我個人喜歡香蕉脆片。也可以用巧克力豆或椰子脆片
    • *I toasted my walnuts before using.
    • *If the dates seems too dry, soak them in warm water for 5 minutes.
    • *I personally love banana chips.
    • You can also use chocolate chis or coconut chips.

  • 準備工作 Preparation
    • 食材秤量好
    • Measure all ingredients.

〔實作影片〕三樣食材 核桃點心球 (免烤,全素) 3-Ingredients Walnut Cookie Dough Bites (No Bake, Vegan)

  • 作法/步驟 Step:
    1. 將所有食材放入食物處理機中,先用間斷的方式打碎食材
    2. 待食材大略打碎,再長按繼續攪打至結合,變得稍黏會結團
    3. 挖一大湯匙取至手掌中,揉成圓球。重覆同樣的動作用完全部的麵團即完成。當下可直接吃,也可冰過讓它變硬實一些
  • Directions
    1. Add all ingredients in a food processor and use “pulse” action to roughly chop the ingredients.
    2. keep processing a little longer until they incorporate and become a little sticky to the extent that they can be held together between your fingers.
    3. Scoop a table spoon out into your palm and roll into a ball. Repeat this step until all finished. Done! You can eat them as soon as you finish or refrigerate to make them firmer.


Bon appétit!

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我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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