兩樣食材 自製雞蛋豆腐 2-Ingredient Homemade Egg Tofu

我愛吃豆腐,也包含雞蛋豆腐。我一直都還滿喜歡雞蛋豆腐那種帶著淡淡蛋香的滋味,但市售雞蛋豆腐通常都加了一些有的沒的,所以就有 自製雞蛋豆腐 的想法。之前剛好看到有人分享用豆漿和雞蛋這兩樣食材製作的雞蛋豆腐,這次自己大略抓了個比例,發現這樣製作出來的雞蛋豆腐好嫩好香,而且真的很簡單,只需要兩樣食材!


兩樣食材 自製雞蛋豆腐
2-Ingredient Homemade Egg Tofu


egg-tofu (3)

egg-tofu (2)

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兩樣食材 自製雞蛋豆腐
2-Ingredient Homemade Egg Tofu

  • 作者 Author: 桶子葉 Barrelleaf / Nora Hsu
  • 特別器具 Special equipment:
    • 一個長條模具 (我的是 17.5*8.5*7 cm)
    • 電鍋或蒸鍋
    • A rectangle mold (Mine is 17.5*8.5*7 cm )
    • A steam cooker

  • 食材 :(約 2 人份)
    • 無糖豆漿 170 g
    • 雞蛋 2 個 (我的還滿大顆的)
    • 鹽 1 小撮 (非必要)
  • Ingredients:(Serve 2)
    • 170 g unsweetened soy milk
    • 2 eggs (Mine are big)
    • a tiny pinch of salt (optional)
  • 準備工作 Preparation:
    .Measure all ingredients.

  • 作法/步驟:
    1. 將雞蛋打入碗中後打散
    2. 再加入豆漿(和鹽),攪打均勻,之後用網篩過濾
    3. 模具中鋪耐高溫的保鮮模,之後將蛋豆漿液倒入,放入電鍋中,外鍋加一米杯水(180 ml),蓋上鍋蓋切下電源,待聽到電鍋開始滾約 2 分鐘後,用一根筷子卡在鍋蓋與鍋子中間,留一小個細縫,這樣蒸出來的雞蛋豆腐會比較細緻
    4. 待電鍋跳起來 (約 15 – 20 分鐘),將其留在電鍋內10分鐘,之後取出放涼,冷藏 4 小時或冰一晚,取出切塊即可
  • Directions:
    1. Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl.
    2. Add soy milk (and salt), whisk until all combine. Then sift the mixture.
    3. Line the mold with heat-proof  plastic wrap. Pour the mixture into the mold and place it in the steamer to cook. I add 180 ml of water in the outer pot of my electric steam cooker. After hearing the water start to boil for about 2 minutes, insert a chopstick between the lid and the pot to leave a small crack, which will make the tofu more delicate.
    4. After steaming for about 15 – 20 minutes, leave it in the pot for 10 minutes. Then take out and leave it cool down. Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight. Then remove from the mold and chop into chunks.

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egg-tofu (3)

Bon appétit!


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兩樣食材 自製雞蛋豆腐 2-Ingredient Homemade Egg Tofu

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兩樣食材 自製雞蛋豆腐 2-Ingredient Homemade Egg Tofu


我是 Nora 葉子,一個從 ED 恢復、熱愛烘焙料理的創作者,2018 年轉變成 Vegan,希望透過分享能讓大家更認識全植物食物的美好。

Hi, I'm Nora, a creative who loves baking, cooking, and sharing. After turning vegan in 2018, I hope to share my joy and wonderful plant-based recipes with the world.


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